Saturday, March 10, 2012

Corned Beef Hash

The best thing about making corned beef is the leftovers. I made myself corned beef hash with the last of it. And just like making the corned beef, this is really easy. I even fried an egg to put on top!

Anyone who knows me knows how I feel towards eggs. Mostly, I find them revolting. But occasionally (like, once every six months) I'll eat a scrambled egg if it has lots of stuff in it, like lax, goat cheese, tomato, herbs, meat, or any combination of those. Part of me, though, reveres them for their versatility, richness, speedy cooking times, and nutritional value. Not to mention the whole food craze these days to make everything "better" by putting a fried egg on top. I've watched enough Top Chef to know, this is usually (but not always) a good thing, so I figured I'd give it a try since there was going to be plenty of salty, meaty flavor going on in the hash.

You'll need:
2 Tbsp butter
a small chunk of leftover, cooked corned beef
2 leftover red potato halves
a few leftover carrot chunks
1 egg

What you do:
Chop the corned beef, potatoes, and carrots into tiny pieces.

Melt the butter in a cast iron skillet. Add the meat and vegetables to the butter and stir, letting the potatoes brown. Push the hash to the side. Add more butter to the pan if necessary, crack the egg into the center of the pan. When the whites set, flip the egg and cook for 2 minutes more. Transfer everything to a plate and serve with the egg on top. Season with salt and pepper.

When you cut into the egg the gooey yolk will bind the hash underneath together somewhat, coating everything in richness. This was my first time frying egg, and it got pretty brown since the pan was so hot, but the yolk inside was perfect, not too runny, but not solid either. Kind of like a loose gel. I don't mind my eggs brown, but apparently that's frowned upon. This breakfast of champions tasted delicious anyway and kept me satisfied for most of the day.

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